Keller Williams Classic Properties - Sarah Eagleson
Sarah Eagleson
Keller Williams Classic Properties
Upper Arlington, OH
Licenca št.: 375629 - OH / The Eagleson Group
Vsaka pisarna Keller Williams® je v neodvisni lasti in upravljanju
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TRŽNICA CENTER Keller Williams Classic Properties

O meni

Sarah believes that the key to being a great real estate agent is to build long term relationships with her clients by providing the best service possible while meeting their needs. This means knowing the market, understanding what matters most to her clients, and helping them in negotiating the optimum terms and conditions of the sale. Over the years while sticking to this philosophy she became a highly regarded realtor, investor of Keller Williams Classic Properties and Founder of Central Ohio Luxury Home Network. This focus on service has also led her to being a Trustee at Columbus Humane and the Cancer Support Community of Central Ohio, an Ambassador for The James Cancer Hospital, a former member of the Women’s Board of The Franklin Park Conservatory and a Trustee of the ProMusica Chamber Orchestra, and many other positions supporting Columbus area charitable institutions. Yet with so many successful real estate transactions in her past, she still loves helping her new buyers and sellers make all the right moves.

My Preferred Vendors
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Prosimo, vnesite svoje ime.
Prosimo vnesite svoj priimek.
Prosimo, vnesite svoj e-poštni naslov. Vnesite veljaven elektronski naslov.
Vnesite veljavno telefonsko številko.
Vnesite svojo telefonsko številko. Vnesite veljavno telefonsko številko.
Prosim vnesite sporočilo
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Sporočilo poslano
Nekaj je šlo narobe. Prosim poskusite ponovno.
Sarah Eagleson
Licenca št.: 375629
The Eagleson Group

Vas zanima? Pogovoriva se!
Keller Williams Classic Properties
1510 W. Lane Ave. Columbus, OH 43221

Sarah Eagleson
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